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Condition 63. You must ensure that you have        Condition 65. You must provide a safe
         sufficient credit on the gas and electric          environment for staff and contractors
         meters to enable the checks to be carried          visiting your home including not smoking in
         out.                                               the same room where a member of staff or a
         We will give you written notice unless it is an    contractor is working immediately before
         emergency. If you do not let us in, we may take    and during the visit.
         legal action to make you let us in or to allow us to   Condition 66. If your property is fitted with a
         force entry to your home. We may recover any       smoke detector, and/or a carbon monoxide
         reasonable costs from you associated with such     alarm, you must keep it in working order by
         action.                                            replacing batteries and reporting when there
                                                            is a defect.
         2.14 Health and safety
                                                            Condition 67. You must not keep or store
         Condition 64. You must not do anything in or       dangerous, offensive or flammable materials
         outside your home that may cause a danger          or appliances at your home, or in communal
         to anyone in your home or in the locality          areas, apart from those that may reasonably
         including:                                         be needed for general household or medical
         •  throwing anything through or out of the         use.
           windows or your home, balconies or roof          Condition 68. You must not use portable
           or sweeping and/or wash offensive                heaters that burn oil, paraffin, gas or other
           material on to the premises below
                                                            combustible materials without our written
         •  placing anything on a window ledge,             permission.
           balcony or roof that could be a danger to
           anyone living in or visiting your home or in     Condition 69. You must not interfere with the
           the locality                                     electric or gas supply.
         •  causing a blockage to the drains and            Condition 70. You must not interfere with any
           pipes, gutters and channels in or about the      equipment for detecting or putting out fires.
           property by spilling or pouring in shared
           areas, oil, petrol, cooking oil, fat and oil     Condition 71. You must not use any shed/
           based paint or other chemical substances         pram shed/ garage/outbuilding in a way
           or pouring the same down any drains or           which causes a hazard, such as by storing
           gullies                                          flammable material.
         •  altering the fire rating of your property by    Condition 72. You must not leave drug
           removing walls, doors and door closers           paraphernalia in any area where others
         •  removing external doors and replacing           might come into contact with them.
           them with doors which do not comply with         Condition 73. You must dispose of any
           fire regulations
                                                            hazardous waste safely and hygienically.
         •  propping open any communal fire doors
                                                            This will include such items as syringes, nappies
         •  storing items inappropriately in a way that     and sanitary and incontinence pads, batteries
           may cause a health and safety hazard or          and household appliances.
           encourage vermin and/or pests
         •  installing metal grilles to windows and         Condition 74. You must not allow children on
           external doors which may cause a fire            to balconies, or any other area which could
           escape hazard                                    prove dangerous, without responsible adult
         •  storing items, waste and personal               supervision.
           possessions, which prevent the use of a          Condition 75. You must not allow anyone
           room or space within the property.
                                                            into shared areas of the block unless you
                                                            know that they have a right to be there or
                                                            allow anyone to follow you through a
                                                            controlled door without permission.

                                                                            Tenancy Agreement November 2014    13 of 24
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