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Condition 88. You must not erect a                 Condition 93. You must not carry out repairs,
         greenhouse, garage, car port, shed, garden         other than minor routine servicing, to your
         pond or summer house at your home                  vehicle on the estate or on any roads in the
         without getting our prior written permission.      locality.
         You will be responsible for maintaining any
         structures that you erect. You will be             Condition 94. You must not leave a vehicle in
         responsible for obtaining any necessary            a state of disrepair, or any parts of vehicles
         Planning or Building Control permissions.          on the estate or on any roads in the locality.
                                                            Condition 95. You must not park SORN
         Condition 89. You must not attach to any
         part of your property, including to external       (Statutory Off Road Notification) vehicles on
         walls, fences or other structures, any barbed      our land, including blocks/estate land, other
         wire, broken glass or other material which is      than in your own drive/garden (in the case of
         likely to cause personal injury to anyone.         a house). You can only keep SORN vehicles
                                                            in your private garden/drive with prior
         If we decide that tree management works are        written agreement from us for no longer
         required to any tree in your garden, subject to any   than 12 months. We reserve the right to
         Tree Preservation Orders, we will advise you of    remove vehicles after 12 months after giving
         what you must do. If you fail to comply with our   you 28 days written notice.
         request, we will carry out any necessary works
         and recharge you for the cost.                     Condition 96. You must not build a garage,
                                                            hard-standing or driveway without obtaining
                                                            our prior written permission. You will also
         2.17  Vehicles and parking
                                                            need Planning permission, Building Control
         Condition 90. You must not park any vehicle        approval and /or Highways approval. If you
         that is untaxed or is unroadworthy on any          wish to install a dropped kerb, you must
         part of your estate or housing land.               contact the Highways Department to obtain
         We do not accept liability for any vehicle, fittings/  the relevant permission.
         components, or any contents of any vehicle         Condition 97. You must not park or permit
         parked on the estate.                              visitors to park or drive on common grassed

         We may remove and destroy any illegally parked,    areas, verges (hard standing or grassed) or
         abandoned, dangerous or unroadworthy vehicle       pavements outside or leading to your home.
         and charge the owner for our costs. This also      We reserve the right to recharge for costs
         applies to any vehicle not displaying a valid tax   arising from repair of any damage caused.
         disc or a valid parking permit where one is needed.  Condition 98. You must not use any

                                                            communal land for the purpose of buying or
         Condition 91. You must not park caravans,
         boats, trailers, burger vans, or vehicles used for   selling vehicles, or repairing vehicles as part
         business purposes on the estate or road next       of a business enterprise.
         to your house without our written permission.      Condition 99. You must not keep mopeds or
                                                            motorbikes inside your home, in internal or
         Condition 92. You must park legally and
         considerately and make sure that you do not        external sheds, or in indoor communal
         cause any obstruction or nuisance or               areas, for example, landings, stairs, entrance
         annoyance. This includes obstructing               and any internal area used by tenants.
         access for emergency vehicles, access to           This could put others at risk and any such vehicle
         garages, refuse stores and grounds                 found in internal communal areas will be
         maintenance access points.                         removed.
         We will not be responsible for damage to your
         vehicle if we or the emergency services have to
         remove it.

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