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Section 3

         Our responsibilities

         3.1  Repairs and maintenance                       3.3  Major Works Improvements
         We will keep in good repair the structure and      We will seek and consider the views of all
         outside of your property, including drains, gutters   affected tenants on any proposed major repair
         and external pipes. This will not apply if the     and improvement scheme.
         damage is caused deliberately or through misuse
         of the property by you, your household or visitors.   3.4  Consultation and information
         We will keep in good repair and proper working     We will consult you about important changes to
         order the installations in the property for the supply   the way in which the Housing Service is
         of water, gas, electricity, sanitation, heating and hot   managed, particularly those relating to your
         water. This will not apply if the damage is caused   tenancy.
         deliberately or through misuse of the installations   We will provide you with information about our
         by you, your household or visitors.                performance, how the Housing Service is paid for
         Our responsibility for repairing the internal      and how your money is spent. Performance
         structure of your property and the above           information is available on our website.
         installations only begins when we are told that a   We will make sure that any information about you
         repair is needed.                                  is held in a way that complies with the Data

         If we are aware of damage that was caused by       Protection Acts.
         you which you refuse to repair, if it is dangerous   We keep information about you that we need, to
         to others, we will carry out the repair. We will   provide you with a service. Such information will
         charge you the cost of any work that is necessary   be confidential and we will use it only for the
         to remove the danger.                              purpose for which it was obtained, and will keep

         The repairs part of our website will tell you our   it as accurate and as up to date as possible. This
         policy on repairs, and sets out which repairs are   information is held on computer and manual
         our responsibility and which are your responsibility.  records, and you have the right, provided certain
                                                            conditions are met, to see it.
         We will keep in good repair all communal areas
         and amenities.
                                                            3.5  Quiet enjoyment
         We are responsible for making sure that            We will not interfere with your quiet enjoyment of
         communal and external areas are in a reasonable    the property as long as you, your household and
         condition, even when we are not told that a repair   any visitors to your property, keep to the conditions
         is needed.                                         of this Tenancy Agreement. If we need to gain

         We will carry out an annual gas safety inspection   access to your property in an emergency, we
         and an annual service of our gas appliances.       have the right to do so without giving you notice.
                                                            If we have to force entry, we will make sure that
                                                            your property is secured before we leave.
         3.2  Right to Repair
         We will pay you compensation if certain urgent     We have a legal responsibility to allow you, as
         repairs are not carried out within specified time   long as you pay your rent and keep all other
         limits decided by law.                             tenancy conditions, to live peaceably and without
                                                            any interference from us or anyone acting on our
         This is the Right to Repair scheme and the details   behalf.
         of the repairs that qualify for this, and the time
         scales, are on our website.

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