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P. 425
From: Lorraine Cordell []
Sent: 15 August 2017 21:24
To: 'Neville Gray'
Subject: RE: Inspection Visit Wednesday 16th August 2017 at 2.00 PM [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Dear Neville Gray
Thank you for the reply to my email I apologise for the lateness of the email last night I only saw it did not
have the time confirmed later and just wanted that confirmed. Also I will say sorry for the lateness of this
email as I only saw that I had got it from you late this evening.
I believe Enfield Council system regarding my son has errors on there and I have pointed this out before, you
state that my son has refused before the 12/07/2017 in regards to the water pressure issue I believe if you look
deeper in the system you will find that was 117 that refused access regarding the water pressure and not my
son as it is showing on Enfield Council system.
The reason I know this is because I was making calls to the councils repairs team about the issue of the water
pressure and I was informed by a lady on the phone my son had refused to let the council in, I said sorry you
are mistaken I know my son had let the council in regarding this. It took the lady a while and then she saw the
error on the system it looked like my son had refused when in fact it was 117 that had refused to let the
council in.
I did ask at the time if this report could be corrected so it did not look like my son had refused and the lady
said she would do this, but it seems this was not corrected and it is still showing like my son refused it did
take the lady on the phone a while to work it out that it was 117 who refused access regarding this issue.
I did write this in an email to the Council with the ladies name and also the ticket number that was created
due to my call, so I do have all the information to prove my son never refused the council to come into his flat
about the water pressure.
My son has always allowed the council to come in, on the 12/07/2017 you turned up at my son's address
without no call to me this is not the 1st time the council has done this, and my son was really not well I
believe you would have to agree with this, he had not any sleep for weeks and weeks due to what the
neighbours was doing to him and also he had bad news the day before. My son health has suffered badly for
over 2 years due to the neighbours which I have email after emails reporting this and there is videos and other
information not once did the council do anything and my emails was going in way before any complaints was
put in about my son which the council seems to have misplaced and do not seem to have any, there were also
many calls being made which again the council does not seem to know anything about.
When I got the call in the morning from Enfield council saying you was at my son's flat, I could not again
understand why I had not had a call. The council is well aware of why they should call me 1st and it should be
all over the Councils systems, so I do not understand how you did not see this. I was told you was there and
you had access to all the flats but my son's but this was not the truth as it seems you did not even know that
113 had been evicted and the Council had the keys for 113, and even when I got to the flat 113 was not there, I
even said to you he had moved out, you said no that not the case, and said you had his number and tried to call
him and got no reply. It did seem however you had called the landlord of 117 regarding your visit just no one
else which was proven later that day.
You stated to me that you had just taken over dealing with the blocks and that all the Surveyors that had been
out before had left, and had not done any reports of what had been done and what had not been done so you
had to start from the beginning which I said is a disgrace that not one of the Surveyors had written any report
so you knew what had been done regarding the water pressure issue.
I was not the only person you said this to as you have also said this to the landlord of 117 on the calls you had
made to him regarding the issue and to arrange your visit, the landlord told me this later that day on the