Page 27 - 3. 2014 1st half New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 27

3. Could police prove the Venice chair came from warehouse no.
               Information on this again came from Simon
               4. Is Mohammed likely to be a witness as to sale of the items?
               No because he will have to be advised to obtain independent legal advice as he could
               incriminate himself This was better left to cross examination at trial as too late then to
               produce invoices, but Simon obviously does not agree. This will be an example of Simon
               making a further tactical mistake as he did during the comments to police at his address and
               again in interview. The Judge and prosecution will be influenced in making decisions in this
               case based on Simon's conduct before arrest, in interview and his previous convictions. The
               point that Simon is missing is that a prima facie case exists, and this case will go to trial.
               Simon should reread his interview and his attitude in his interview where he effectively
               suggests it serves the owner of the premises right for having his premises burgled.
               If Simon had not made such foolish comments when he was arrested and instead followed
               sound legal advice at the police station then we could have made representations to review
               the case but based on his admissions at his address, coupled with his interview this was
               impossible. At the start of this case Simon was very much mistaken with regards to the law.
               Tactics and timing are important in cases. Simon does not want to allow Solicitors to make
               tactical decisions so the best of luck to him. Once I get an email back from Jemi re the
               conference and section 8 application I will be listing this case to have the legal representation
               order revoked. During the telephone conversation today Simon again was abusive, he
               questioned my professional integrity, my ability to defend my clients and he threatened to
               slander my name. I heard him loud and clear Lorraine. All I can say is he has a very short
               memory. I know exactly how many times I have represented Simon and how many of those
               cases have resulted in a charge or a conviction. I am duty solicitor at court tomorrow and I
               will email Jemi in the morning. I will request an urgent response from him, and I will then let
               you know when the case will be listed.
               Kind regards
               Hi Josey
               Simon has asked me to write this email, so I am just writing what has been asked and the
               facts he is saying. As you are aware Simon is not great with Emails or letters and replying to
               them due to his writing and spelling. Simon has said he is not treating you in anyway, yes, he
               did say he was going to put his papers on Facebook to ask people what they feel about his
               case. He would then be able to obtain feedback from the general public. He feels there have
               been many errors in his case, some of these errors he wants me to list below. His case was
               listed for the warn list for the
               this could not happen due to issues with the crown not giving the information over. You at
               this time wanted it to go to trial and the morning the trail started wanted to list information
               that was needed for Simon case. When Simon went to see his Barrister on the
               the barrister new nothing about the case and asked Simon to explain what his case was about.
               While Simon was explaining his barrister told Simon not to rush, Simon showed the barrister
               the invoices for the case and the barrister said these invoices were hear say, can he prove the
               items were even in the building at the time Simon was there. The Barrister asked where the
               disclosure, as what we showed him was rubbish. We had most of the case files with us that
               you had emailed to us. The Barrister asked has a section 8- and Third-Party Disclosure been
               put in, we told him no he said as soon as we get back get your solicitors to put a section 8-
               and Third-Party Disclosure in it should have been done already don’t delay get it done today.
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