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To: ‘’
               Cc: ''; ''
               Subject: RE: Re: Simon Cordell
               Dear Debbie Barnett CPS: and Sheila from the Listing Office at the crown court. I did send
               the below email with all attachments, but I don't think anyone got it due to its size. I am
               resending it in 3 parts. Part 1 of 3 email Please see Attached files and please read below
               email. could you please also let me know you have got this email. I did also call yesterday
               and was told you was not in the office and spoke to someone who told me an appeal date has
               been set for the 05/03/2015 the crown court. I have also spoke to Sheila today at the Crown
               court listing office where I told her that we had not had any letters from the crown court she
               also told me that they did not get any emails I sent over. I do not have the case number and
               asked her if she could send the letter that was sent out by email to this email address. Could
               all attached documents be attached to the case files please?
               Lorraine Cordell
               From: Lorraine Cordell [Mail]
               Sent: 03 February 2015 12:57
               To: ‘’
               Cc: ''
               Subject: Re: Simon Cordell
               Dear Debbie Barnett
               Thank you for taking the time to talk to me today on the phone one the 02/02/2015. Could
               you please also confirm by email that you have this email.
                As explained, there have been a number of issues with my son Simon Cordell DOB:
               26/01/1981. The issues are one of not being insured. When in fact he was. There was a case
               heard on the 26/11/2014 at Wimbledon Magistrates' Court where my son Simon Cordell was
               found guilty. Of using his vehicle for business purposes. This was only the case due to the
               police officer lying. Not just to KGM who my son was insured with, but in his statement of
               facts, and also on oath to the judge and CPS. The case is such that on the day my son was
               stopped the police office made a call to KGM the police office told KGM that my son Simon
               Cordell had lots of tools in his van and was doing odd jobs. Under my son insurance this
               would not have covered him, and the police officer would have known this already as my son
               had given the police officer his policy at the side of the road. My son was arrested and taken
               to the police station. Due to him refusing to sign the seizer notice and telling the police
               officer he was lying and to arrest him. My sons Van registration CX52JRZ was seized and
               taken to Chariton police vehicle pound, with no tools in there. The police office when wrote
               his statement not with what he told KGM on the phone call but with something totally
               incorrect information. The judge asked the police office at court about the tools as he saw
               emails from KGM the police office told the judge he knew nothing about any tools. The
               police officer I believed new he could not put tools down in his statement as calls was already
               being put into the police about complaints. So changed his story in his statement. The facts
               are that there are audio tapes of what the police officer said to KGM, and also the call that
               was made to Chariton police vehicle pound as KGM record all calls. I have both of the audio
               files from KGM and also a Letter of Indemnity and an email that a manager sent to Kelly
               Tiller at KGM. How can a police officer act in such a manner? I really do not understand why
               he did this. As also said on the phone there is a number of summons my son has not had
               regarding the other stops from police, these cases he has gone to court without him knowing
               and he been found guilty when he did not even know there was a case in court. I have sent
               many emails to get these cases set aside and sent his insurance documents to the court. 2 case
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