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(I) To make a gain for himself or another, or
                 (ii) To cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.
                 (2) A person may be regarded as having abused his position even though his
                 conduct consisted of an omission rather than an act.
                 Issue of the Word “Illegal being Used: -
                 The second issue is the terminology regarding the word “illegal” the word Illegal
                 also raises concerns of issues relating towards what the respondent’s case has been
                 brought in motion for, all of the accused incidents that the respondent has alleged I
                 took an organisation (role / or supplied equipment in, do in fact relate to the
                 entertainment industry, what is governed under the licensing act 2003.
                 As previously stated in this letter of concern, all incidents sighted in the Antisocial
                 Behaviour Order (ASBO) application do in fact relate to indoor private events and
                 trespass has not been investigated under any police
                 officer’s codes of conduct, neither does the CPS challenge or dispute this fact, so
                 there is no argument to the issue of illegality under the trespass grounds.
                 This only leaves the licensing act 2003 having to be found in breach to prove the
                 word illegal in the entertainment industry when a police officer is in pursuit of a
                 case relating to the investigation of the organisation of illegal raves, as the
                 respondent and officers have pro claimed it to be.
                 When reading a copy of the licensing act 2003 as amended on the 7th January
                 2013 for the processes of creation of an investigation or defence towards a
                 person’s rights, any person doing so will have to take note to appendix four of that
                 Act, which clearly states it is not illegal to provide any entertainment within a back
                 garden or place of residence, in fact the only clause relating to in private air is that
                 no person shall have the right to charge for money with a few of making a profit
                 and if a profit is made without true intention then the licensing act 2003 has  no
                 breach, with this full and whole understanding I believe that any person will agree
                 that the respondent does not have the right to base their case on the fact of
                 organising an illegal rave as no illegal concept has been adduced to be proven.
                 Issues of the Word “Illegal being Used: -
                 As a third concern regarding the issue of the word “illegal being used does also
                 make me take reference to the following:
                 From the early stages of the application the Appellant felt the need to defend his
                 legal Rights, as any other member of united kingdom and associated treaties
                 should also do, this being said to be leading towards the wrongful accusations
                 against any illegal allegations of criminal nature that any person(s) find themselves
                 in defence towards, that any person(s) know they have not committed, neither am I
                 in the wrong for just simply not understanding the crime I am being accused of but
                 still playing a role in such criminal activities in turn as a figure of speech being
                 blind towards my own actions and there consequences, such as the incident that
                 have clearly been contained within the Antisocial Behaviour Order (ASBO)
                 I know it would be morally wrong for me not to stand up and quire this matter
                 myself as for I know the true facts, as I know this case should not be sitting in its
                 civil capacity, when it clearly states an offence of an illegal natured concept this is
                 a breach of a multitude of my human rights and should be managed under criminal
                 legalisation and regulations in a criminal court, especially without no previous
                 history of similar natured offences being present and this is also inclusive of no pre
                 remand warnings ever being issued. In the understanding of civil and criminal law,
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