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were some think is alleged to have taken place that is said to have been illegal the
                 correct Police procedure in them circumstances is that a crime will be created
                 under the crime and disorder act 1998, in pursuit from the police reforms act 1964,
                 by way of a victim or witness making a report to police and then for members of
                 the police to be allocated the incident in hand so for them to be able to start any
                 needed investigations, this does also depend on the matter of relevance to the
                 initial report and will be risk assessed and graded apriority to the listing to the
                 resources available at the time.
                 The investigations may lead to an arrest what will lead the detainee to his or her
                 statuary legal rights. In the early 1980’s the police did have the power to take cases
                 to court without the decision of any other governing body, but now in 2016 the
                 burden relays solely on the CPS who are in collaboration with Revenue and
                 Customs Prosecution Office and is headed by the Director of Public Prosecutions
                 (DPP) who is independent but subject to the superintendence of the Attorney
                 General that is accountable to members of Parliament that do work for the
                 prosecution services. If charged any person’s rights are gained under section 24
                 and 25 which does relate to the rights of any person charged and the minimum
                 standards of criminal procedure.
                 An issue I raise is my case seems to sit in its civil capacity at court with none of
                 the above regulations and my rights being carried out with accordance of the
                 United Kingdom laws; as it clearly is stated as an illegal offence, I ask please can
                 any person explain this to me? As I have no previous convictions of similar nature
                 offence, neither was the Antisocial Behaviour Order (ASBO) application a CBO,
                 Antisocial Behaviour Order (ASBO) on conviction, it is in fact a stand-alone
                 Antisocial Behaviour Order (ASBO) and the legal guidance is for the application
                 not to be based upon criminal natured activities.
                 Before I continue with the principles of the respondent’s case which has been
                 educed with the title of “the organisation of illegal raves, so to highlight the true
                 aspects of the legal definition needed to be met in reference
                 towards “the role needs to be proved to the criminal standards so for a judge to
                 impose a Proven verdict in relation to organising”
                 National Standards Incident Recording Regulations: -
                 I would first like any reader to have a full understanding of the knowledge needed
                 to be addressed at this
                 point of this complaint in reference to the “NSIR” what is the national standards
                 incident recording
                 regulations that are governed under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
                 The NSIR does quote the following, when any state official is recording police
                 information them
                 procedures must comply in accordance with the national standards incident
                 recording polices and them person(s) are to:
                 •  Ensure that all police information is held in accordance with the law
                 •  Support all correct decisions that are made through the intelligence process
                    with utmost respect for “Vision and Purpose Statements for Crime Recording
                    (NCRS & HOCR)” what are in respect to the Home Office Counting Rules for
                    Recorded Crime.
                 •  Provide a fair an auditable decision-making process.
                 •  Corroborate all related and interlinked information.
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