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P. 144

I find it hard to understand with reason, with reference to why police officer(s)
                 would be sent to a location that the person was not at, as it seems PC Steve
                 Elsmore is trying to imply in his statement dated the 24/09/2016 pages 327 to
                 Also, there is the matter regarding data blocked out in a multitude of CFS
                 Emergency calls relating to: -
                 1.  CAD 3151
                 2.  2410 to list a few more, I can understand some Names and some Addresses
                    but clearly not what I request as disclosure so that I can read what is needed
                    to stand a fair defence, there is clearly a lot more data being blocked out that
                    is vital to the on goings of this case.
                 There is a problem with Cads missing like linked CAD 2456 /7 shown on many
                 pages as shown on page 290.
                 The reason given by the respondent in court about explicitly linked to and
                 implicitly linked to CADs seems very unreliable and could easy be proved by
                 showing the judge these missing CADs are not linked in any way.
                 In statement of PC Jason Ames dated the 15/08/2014 it states CAD 9717 which
                 related to intelligence, why has this been withheld also?
                 Using the jurisdictional GIS information and the law enforcement map layers, the
                 dispatcher has a tactical view of the city and/or dispatch area. The map can be
                 controlled by specific CAD commands, such as zoom-and-pan, or pre - set
                 commands, such as zooming to the address of a selected call for service.
                 The dispatcher can map/view all units and open calls for service for an area or the
                 city. Units and calls are labelled on the map.
                 Locational Systems Interfaces Locational systems provide automated access to
                 address, geographic, and mapping information for law enforcements. The
                 primary locational systems include AVL, GIS, and Mobile and Real-Time
                 Geofile Maintenance: -
                 The creation of a comprehensive Geofile is a significant undertaking. The system
                 should support the creation and maintenance of the Geofile using an available
                 The Geofile contains the geographic information that is the basis for many
                 decisions in a communications centre. The system needs to provide the ability for
                 an agency to enter and update all Geofile data, including the physical address and
                 the X/Y/Z coordinates.
                 The Geofile is used to validate and standardize location and address information.
                 It is also used to cross-reference addresses and locations with law enforcement-
                 defined reporting areas, X/Y/Z coordinates, ZIP codes, and other identifiers. The
                 Geofile contains sufficient information to ensure that an address is valid.
                 Furthermore, it provides cross-references to addresses and locations using
                 common place names (e.g., business names, parks, hospitals, and schools) and
                 street aliases.
                 It includes information such as direction of travel on particular streets and can
                 identify the side of a street for a specific address. It is assumed that all addresses
                 in the RMS are validated using the system Geofile.
                 The Time stamps are inaccurate relating to police CAD’s Information: -
                 Inaccuracy’s leading to incorrect time stamps contained within the applicant’s
                 bundle created by Steve Elsmore on the 13/8/2014.
                 CAD  Num          Date      Time                      Page
   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149