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P. 237

It seems Anthony Harvey was very unhappy in regard to how Scotland Yard was treating him
               they would not leave him alone, but he was still advertising the events he was putting on. One
               was for the 19  July 2014 called The Raving Family That Rave In The Woods, Anthony
               Harvey even had special T-shirts made up with the wording The Raving Family on them,
               Anthony Harvey even put a request for anyone that had strong bolties he could use.
               It would seem that Anthony Harvey first location for the 19  July 2014 was in Barking,
               Anthony Harvey then relocated to Enfield carpet right, he states that he begged the police to
               allow this to carry on but they would not, and states fuck to Scotland Yard, a person that
               knows Anthony Harvey states they was all waiting at Southbury Road.
               As stated, before Anthony Harvey was on bail, I believe one of those bail conditions was not
               to attend an illegal rave, as he states he is allowed to attend legal events only.
               I believe that when Steve Elsmore spoke to A/DS Tanner, A/DS Tanner explained a lot more
               about Anthony Harvey then Steve Elsmore states in his updated statement. Even about the
               event at Barking which was due to me relocated.
               “A/DS Tanner states that she had inputted a Crimit regarding a rave that was due to take
               place on 19  July 2014 in Barking. This rave was due to be at one location but was due to be
               moved to another location which had not disclosed.”
               Why did Steve Elsmore state in the lower court he had deleted emails to and from A/DS
               Tanner, why did Steve Elsmore not ask A/DS Tanner to do a statement, why did he feel it
               necessary to write what he says A/DS Tanner said to him. I know the public order
               investigation unit was told by Sir Bernard Hogan Howe to monitor all raves keep intelligence
               on them and try to put stop to them A/DS Tanner told me this on the phone when I spoke to
               her. And when I spoke to DS Chapman from the public order investigation unit he confirmed
               they was looking into all raves, he also did a check on the claimant’s name and stated within
               all the information they had they only had the claimant’s name on their systems once, and
               that was to prevent a breach of the peace on the 19  July 2014.
               The claimant did not organise or supply equipment; the claimant did not cause any anti-social
               behaviour on this date.
               24/07/2014 Admitted to police he setups raves:
               On this date the claimant was driving down the Road after just leaving my home, he was on
               his way home via Alma Road, as he passed King Edwards Road he saw the police in an
               unmarked police car the claimant knew it was the police as the police had stopped him before
               while on active duty, they were at this time indicating to do a right-hand turn out of King
               Edward Road onto Alma Road. But when they saw the claimant passed King Edward Road
               they changed direction and turned left onto Alma Road to follow him after a short time the
               police put their blue lights on, and pulled him over to the side of the road opposite the BMW
               repair centre along Alma Road, the male officer who was in the passenger side of the police
               car got out and started to approach the claimant’s car, the claimant opened his window a little
               and asked why
               Letter to high court C0 2171 2017.pdf
               he had been pulled over. The police officer said he was not sure why, but his colleague had
               instructed him to do this, his colleague was the police officer that the claimant knew. The
               police officer walked back to the unmarked police car then re-approached the claimant’s car
               with his colleague the driver of the unmarked police car. I asked again what had been pulled
               over for, and the driver of the unmarked police car pulled out his truncheon and said the
               claimant had to get out of his car, and that if I declined his windows would be smashed. The
               claimant got out of his car as he had done nothing wrong and had nothing to hide, the
               claimant had not committed any offence whatsoever, the police stated to the claimant he had
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