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Members of your household                          Permission (or consent)
         Any person living at your property, either         Where, in this agreement, it says that you must
         permanently or temporarily, even if their          ask for permission or consent to do something,
         permanent address is elsewhere. This includes all   you must put your request in writing. This can be
         members of your family living at the property, any   by letter or email. You must receive written
         relatives, friends or other lodgers staying with you   permission from us before doing whatever it is
         and any sub-tenants of your property.              that requires our consent.

         Mutual exchange                                    People residing in the locality
         Exchanging your tenancy with another person by     All people living or staying, temporarily or
         mutual agreement when permitted.                   permanently, in any part of the estate or locality in
                                                            any type of property, whether rented or owned.
         When you fail to do something that it is your      Possession
         responsibility to do.                              This is when the council takes back vacant use of
                                                            a property by serving notice and taking court
         Neighbour                                          action. A Possession Order can be suspended on
         Includes anyone living in the area local to your   terms or take effect immediately.
         home, including other tenants, people who own
         their own homes and local businesses.              Property
                                                            The dwelling, garden, yards, sheds and any other
         Notice of Seeking Possession                       space which this Tenancy Agreement makes
         This is a legal notification served on a secure    available for the sole use of you and your
         tenant as the first stage before starting court    household.
         Notice of Possession Proceedings                   Parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren,
         This is a legal notification served on an          brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces,
         introductory tenant as the first stage before      step-relatives and adopted children. This includes
         starting court action.                             relatives by marriage.

         Notice to Quit                                     Remote gardens
         This is a legal notification, usually of 28 days,   Some flats are allocated with individual gardens
         served on a tenant to formally end the tenancy     which are separated from the main dwelling by
         where security of tenure has been lost.            things such as footpaths or drying areas.
         Alternatively, it is also legal notification from a
         tenant that they will be giving up the tenancy.    Representative
                                                            Someone who is acting on our behalf.
         Something that causes annoyance and/or             Shared areas (communal)
         distress.                                          The parts of the building or estate which all
                                                            tenants and leaseholders can use, for example,
         Overcrowding                                       halls, landings, foyers, stairways, landings, lifts,
         This is when a property has too many people        bin stores, shared gardens, landscaped areas,
         occupying it.                                      car parks and any other area accessible to more
                                                            than one household.
         Husband or wife or a cohabitee, including same-    Sheltered housing
         sex partner, who lives with you in a long-term or   Accommodation targeted for people over 60
         stable relationship.                               years of age. However, people under 60 with
                                                            support needs will also be considered.

                                                            The person you are legally married to, including a
                                                            registered civil partner.

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