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If you are a sheltered housing tenant, your        You must not assign your tenancy unless you
         spouse, civil partner or cohabitee of more than 12   have our written permission to assign your
         months’ duration will succeed to the tenancy as    tenancy.
         long as they were living in the property as their
         only or main home with you at the time of your     If we have begun court action against you for any
         death. If you do not have a spouse living with     breach of the Tenancy Agreement, or any other
         you, the tenancy could pass to a partner or family   matter such as an injunction, we will refuse your
         member as long as they are eligible for sheltered   request for a mutual exchange.
         housing and were living with you for at least 12
         months before you die. Failing this, we may        3.13  Right to Buy
         consider granting a tenancy of another suitable    Existing secure tenants will normally have the
         property.                                          Right to Buy the freehold or leasehold of your
                                                            home after they have been a tenant for 3 years.
         3.12  Right to assign                              You cannot buy your property during your
         If you are a secure tenant or an introductory      introductory tenancy, but your period of
         tenant, you can under certain circumstances,       introductory tenancy will count towards the 3
         assign (legally transfer) your tenancy.            years.

         If you are a secure tenant or an introductory      If you are a sheltered housing tenant, under the
         tenant, the law allows you to assign your tenancy   Housing Act 1985, you do not have the right to
         to a person who would have been able to            buy your home.
         succeed to your tenancy if you had died
         immediately before assigning it. This means that,   If you have been guilty of anti-social behaviour,
         if you are a sole tenant, you can assign your      we can apply to court to request an order
         tenancy to your spouse, civil partner, or to a     suspending your right to buy for a period that the
         family member, including cohabitee, or same-sex    court may specify.
         partner who has been residing with you for 12      You will not have the Right to Buy if we have
         months at the time of assignment. If you are a     obtained a suspended Possession Order against
         joint tenant you cannot assign the tenancy to      you.
         another family member if they are not the other
         existing joint tenant. Effecting an assignment
         means that there will no further right to          3.14  Right to manage
         succession upon the death of the tenant to         This allows tenants’ organisations to take over
         whom the tenancy has been assigned.                the management of their homes and to run
                                                            services that we would normally be responsible
         If you are a secure tenant, you have the right,    for such as rent collection and the repairs service.
         provided certain conditions are met, to assign     A tenants’ organisation is eligible for the right to
         your tenancy by exchanging with one of our         manage if it can show that it represents the views
         tenants or the tenant of another local authority or   of all its members and does what they ask of it.
         a housing association.

         This right of mutual exchange does not apply to    3.15  If we end your tenancy
         introductory tenants.                              We may terminate your tenancy by leaving at

         The court has the right to assign a secure or      your property, a Notice of Seeking Possession or
                                                            a Notice to Quit or any Notice required by law.
         introductory tenancy on the breakdown of a
         marriage or relationship.                          All notices we leave in connection with your

         If you are a joint tenant and your relationship has   tenancy, including any Notice of Seeking
         broken down and you wish to transfer the           Possession or Notice to Quit or other similar
         tenancy into your sole name, we will ask you to    Notice, will be treated as properly served and
         obtain a court order from the County Court.        received by you if left at the tenancy address,
                                                            addressed to you.

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