Page 149 - 2. 2013 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 149
Wandering Around: --
This fine day was just me wandering around to others and to me it was just another day, very much similar
to other days and I guess this would be very much the same; for any other people, who reside in and
around, the Great British town’s streets off London: - Going out with friends. One of the many of best days
of our lives had gotten planned out, so for me and my friends to go out on our own Off-road-Scramblers.
What acutely; happened, is that on the
I had arrived at my friend’s house, what is on, an up kept average, London housing estate. This was on the
traditional British day of rest and for that fact, it was a Sunday. On this occasion, I and my
friends were in London’s Streets, EW1. Initially, in the beginning and thought that days moments, in the
start of the days, hours that me and my friends had all been together, I would say that everything was going
fine, for me to quote a saying off what happened in the one thousand and four hundred and forty minutes
going on in them twenty-four hour that I think many people may already have heard before, so for me to
define the days' event’s, I would say; all good things must come to an end. Before the police officer’s
presence, I and my friends had intended to head out on our planned travels and this day would have
included us all being able to arrive, at our prior planned destination, but as always in my life, the police had
stopped us.
Next in, is Just, three out of three, quick short couple of notes; —
Note 1; The day had got set by ourselves, so for us all, to have; a lot of excitement, within the legal
constraints of the united Kingdom’s Laws and because of this we were all, being silent and relaxed,
therefore we caused no trouble and was just waiting to go out for the day.
Note 2; A lot of different people’s off-road-motorbikes were present, as, we all were on this day out for me
and my friends. When the police officers questioned us all about them, beforehand of arresting my person,
everybody’s off-road-motorbikes; were already in three different prior arranged vans and soon to us, the
true owners of them all, were to be able to go on the move to our chosen place on that day, if not for the
police officer’s interruption.
Note 3; I also would like to note the point of; I and my friends, definitely supplied no entertainment
equipment to anybody, on this date and therefore, as a result of mine and other’s good intentions for this
day, I did not cause any acts of Anti-Social Behaviour, hence, together I and my friends, did not cause any
illegal or civil problems, as a quick briefing towards a summary, on this incident; I did not feel like I could
even go out for the day that being said and meant to mean; with some of my friends and not getting
harassed, by the police, once again.
A continuation of the same day events: --
So, for me now to only leave the rest of the past day's events to get explained, now down too I explaining
even more-extra further truths; The police officers who had commenced, on us, at the time did say to us all,
who were present at the incident, that they had got called to a report of a Burglary. When this got explained
to us by the police officers it had got confusing to me and my friends, as, we caused no criminal offences
that got accused of our persons that the police officers were then alleging to us. Members of the police had
approached us and this was while I and my friends were all together, getting ready to head on an into our
travels out; In portraying, to another person the day’s predicaments, of one of the now at present, funny
parts of this day I would start by explaining; that it was the so called 999 police call / the police officers
present at the scene so-called witness. The dilemma of what ended up happening to me is that by the end of
me explaining to the police officers, about me being an innocent man, is that the police officers continued
with their plans not to trust in me, and they forcibly searched inside of my van, while using their powers of
law against me. OK, at the time to me and my friends felt that, how the police officers, made us all feel, got
achieved by the copper(s), so that things had got completed wrong by them and this was happening to me
and my friends, so, that what was going on to us was not so funny at the time but once the copper did their
searches and finished embarrassing me, I can recollect them getting out of the back of my van and in both
of them officers managing to doing this, I noticed that they both accepted to me, that I was right from the
start and there was no stolen property in my van, in fact there were just two off my own personal off-road-
Scramblers, to my own satisfaction.