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Application, at this present time of my life. The original police officers’ statements, got held in the police
                 national computer system, after being imputed on the first few days, what did in fact truly happen is that
                 after the incident took place in Elsmere Street, I went to court and got found not guilty and then afterwards;
                 “Some, other, different, police officer’s,” from another police force alongside with the metropolitan’s legal
                 director edited the old NFA case information, by extended their work abilities and decided to take the law
                 into their own deceitful hands, while the original Crimint got placed on their working companies’ systems.
                 This got done so for it to get fabricated, and then they compiled their falsified redeveloped made and said to
                 be findings, of the day, so to adduced them findings into a copy of the Anti-Social Behaviour Order
                 proceedings, that I am fighting against, up and till date, which has wrongly, got put against me, with no
                 honest reason’s, as I already prior won the so-called court case in the court. In add-amusingly, to me, was
                 nothing ever got explained again, that being about any report of a Burglary, which the police officers
                 claimed all about and now it makes me feel furious, in knowing what the police officers are doing to my
                 life all of the time, when regarding this instance and others, it left me being even, moreover, to being
                 intrigued, by the police officers who got involved, I get astonished by them all, for what they have done to
                 Proof of Insurance policy: Link

                 Points of Facts of Law:
                 1.    I won this case at court and then afterwards the police used it to gain a guilty convection against
                 2.    Mr Cordell did not involve himself in the organization of any illegal rave.
                 4.  This was his friends housing estate and because of there is reason there is no party locations within the
                    local housing area, making a party very unlikely.
                 5.  And the day was a Sunday, Very unlikely for a party of any form or concept.
                 6.  Nor did he supply equipment on said date.
                 7.  Mr Simon Cordell will State; “that he was not rude to police, but he did feel like he could not even go
                    out for the day with some of his friends, without getting stopped and searched by members of the
                    police. He states he did not get upset in the manner that the police have said he did and that he does not
                    mean to come across as rude to police. In this case he was just trying to explain the error on the system.
                 8.  It is also noted that the caller was very clear that they saw a flat screen TV being put into Mr Cordell’s
                    van, which is confusing to why when the police searched the van, they found no TV, but did in fact find
                    two of his off-road motor bikes, which is not included in Steve Elsmore statement.
                    The police did checks on Mr Simon Cordell’s Off-Road Motor Bikes but this is also not stated, but
                    should show up on the seizure notice, as Mr Simon Cordell did ask the police office to take careful note
                    of the two off road motorbikes, as due to the high value of them.
                 9.  Mr Simon Cordell will state; “that he did get a bit upset when the police said they were going to seize
                    his van, as he did have insurance in place to be able to drive the van in question, but there was an error
                    on the MID database.
                    Miss Cordell had been trying to help her son resolve the issue concerning his insurance policy not
                    showing on the mid database alongside with members of their local police force and his insurance
                    company KGM too, together they had tried to work out why Mr Simon Cordell was showing as
                    uninsured. There was information noted as intelligence on the police National Computer stating this I
                    had asked the police to check on their systems due to this, but they would not they just wanted to seize
                    Mr Simon Cordell’s van without checking, so he knew he was being wrongfully accused at this point,
                    as he had done nothing wrong and he did have insurance to be driving and had paid a lot of money for
                    his insurance.
                 10. In addition, the prosecution offered no evidence in respect of the charges that were brought even though
                    they were reliant on police witnesses. Mr Simon Cordell had been wrongfully arrested for not having
                    insurance when he was insured to drive.
                 11. He also did not cause any Anti-Social Behaviour on this date in question.
                 12. There are no CAD’s for this date, but yet they were meant to be, a CAD referring to the pacific details
                    that should be relating to a person stating, that they believed a burglary was in progress and of the 999-
                    caller stating that they had seen a person who was putting a flat screen TV into Mr Simon Cordell’s
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