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In reference to the 07th April 2013, A friend’s Home
                 Please read Mr Simon Cordell’s last statement dated the
                 he states that he did not attended any premises on this date to rave,

               Simon Cordell’s My 1st Asbo Response Bundle
               In reference to the 12th Jan 2013 Canary Wharf
               This is an updated statement further to the statement of Mr Simon Cordell.
               Dated: 24th day of February 2015.
               Version: V1
               Page Numbers: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07
               Report Id: 998
                 STATEMENT OF WITNESS
                 (C.J. Act 1967, S2,9. M.C. Rules 1968 R58)
                 STATEMENT OF: Simon Cordell AGE OF WITNESS (if over 21): 34
                 OCCUPATION OF WITNESS: Unemployed ADDRESS: 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex,
                 EN3 7JQ TELEPHONE:
                 This statement consisting of 7 page(s) each signed by me, is true to the best of my knowledge and belief
                 and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have willfully
                 stated in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.
                 Dated the 24th day of February 2015
                 Signature Witnessed by
                 I am Simon Cordell; my date of birth is 26th January 1981. My home address is as stated above. I am
                 making this witness statement in response to members of the police and local authority’s application for an
                 anti-social behaviour order.
                 I am currently in the process of trying to establish my company. I have not yet incorporated it; however, I
                 am currently working on having it registered as a company. I am aiming to have it registered as a limited
                 company with charitable status within the articles of the memorandum of association. I have become a
                 member at general meetings held at my local community hall in turn taking part in the daily challenges a
                 community hall can be presented with. This has introduced me to various people who have helped me with
                 good advice.
                 I have always wanted to give something back to the community. I have established my web site with a lot
                 of help of others and have now "parked" my company, and I exhibit proof of this of this as SC/1. The
                 company is not yet trading, but I aim to trade soon.
                 I was placed in the care system as a child, and I try to help vulnerable people. I know what it is like to have
                 to fend for yourself. I exhibit letters of proof that I have helped homeless people as exhibit SC/2.
                 Witnessed By
                 I believe that this application is an attempt by members of the police and local Authority to find me guilty
                 of offences I have not committed in turn having an effect on my health and stopping me from developing
                 my company, and it is not acceptable or reasonable. I am in the process of developing a business plan for a
                 festival at Barley lands in Essex. I had planned to have this event in 2014, however, the stress of the
                 ongoing ASBO proceedings have stopped me from putting this festival on. I exhibit a draft business plan as
                 exhibit SC/3, and a business submission form for a community festival as exhibit SC/4.
                 I was once arrested by members of the police outside White Sands Nightclub on 14th November 2013 at
                 Brixton Hill and I had my van seized. The reason given for stopping me was that I had "tools of the trade”
                 in my van and my insurance did not cover driving a vehicle on this basis. My vehicle was seized as it was
                 alleged that I did not have insurance. I was actually insured at the time, and there were no tools in my van. I
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