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the police officers; that there is a harder problem to overcome and this problem was with the day being a
Sunday; and I do strengthen this now made announcement about the day being a Sunday, as to the contrary
is because this got done to myself wrongly and as to a consequence off the police officers own bad
decisions and actions that on the day lead towards their entrusting misplaced behaviour towards me, as they
both must have also already understood that; 99%, of insurance companies do not get opened, on a Sunday
so, my insurance policy should have covered me alongside with my word, when I told the police officers,
whom were present that I had already got insured. With the day being a Sunday, this also meant that they
could not have been able to make a phone call to my insurance company, “on this day,” besides in my
defence, I told the police officers, whom were present, at that precise stage that I had already got insured
and showed a copy of my policy to them both.
To keep the ball rolling, another key point is, that for many months pre-existing to this incident equalling to
the amount of time that it got left to extend to this incident, my mother previously had tried to help me to
stop the dilemmas I kept having with my insurance policy. My mother had already tried many times
beforehand to resolve the issue of my concern, by contacting the relevant people involved, this included the
police, DVLA and my insurance company, as well as the MID database. Throughout her conversations with
the relevant people, she come to an agreement with them all and what got agreed is that this problem would
get resolved between them all, “as to describe something being fixed, not a problem no more,” so to me this
meant that together a lot of people had all prior tried to work out why; I was always, not showing up as
insured. I noticed myself that on the police computer I did not show up as insured, but I was OK on the mid
database and OK on my insurance company’s computers, but still no one could solve the problem. While
talking to the police officers at the roadside about my insurance I noticed that there was no more talk about
a stolen TV from any house; what next started to persisted to proceed is that, while still standing and talking
to the police officer’s, I did get a bit upset and by the middle of our discussions, all of our voices, had
become at a bit high of a rate, the reason being of my voice getting louder was because I got accused of not
having any insurance and they wanted to stop my pre planned day out on my bikes. I did have the correct
insurance policy in place, so for me to be driving and able to drive that can then, that was in question at the
time, so I do not see why I did get arrested by the police officer on this day and I also do not see why the
police officers made this case get continued towards me, by them police officers; following charges against
me. After getting humiliated by getting searched for a TV I then having my van seized with my bikes in it.
Once arrested, I got taken to the police station, I then after got charged and granted police bail and this got
placed on to a further date for me to attend at a courthouse, meaning that in turn I then got to attend to a
court hearing and this was for a hearing, so that I could enter my no guilty plea, to establish that I needed to
wait for a trial to take place, this further date got set so for me, to be able to defend myself. When in court,
and at the first preliminary hearing it then got explained to me by the judge, that if I do not attend to the
courthouse; a prison sentence may get issued towards my person and this would work out to be with the
possibility of a fine or both. Amusingly, the charges that got brought into motion by the police were for a
breach of the peace and for no insurance, which I did not commit, this meant me paying out of my pocket
more money to the government official’s or even a custodial sentence. Under these circumstances I had
already had to pay the Police car compound money who had seized my van and in turn this forwarded the
fact that I suffered yet again, for losing my vehicle and the cost of paying, to get it back out of the police
car compound. I done nothing wrong and I paid a lot of money, for my insurance policy, to which I lost,
due to these court cases on goings. All of this information to me meant by
things just simply; changed in my life and I slowly got depressed, as you can read all about, because of the
manner in which the police officers were treating me, as I understood what they were doing to me was so
wrong. I look back in time and forward into the present time of today in writing this book / report / diary,
when both of the offences had said to have taken place, that the metropolitan police force brought into
motion; the reason for this is both of the cases, tarnished my life and got dropped shortly after. Both cases
got dropped shortly after in compliance towards a decision that got made of a “No Further Action” being
taken place against me, but this case still was not to be over in the copper’s eyes. The accusations claimed
against me in the case files continued to get used against me. In the moment of these occurrences and a
long time after this day protested to proceed, I knew that what they were doing to me would change my life
for the worst and that this meant to me that whenever I continue to wake up, at my own home on most
mornings since the day’s incidents took and take place, I seem to keep thinking to myself the same little
thought: repeatedly, and repeatedly, again; how did this day get added to the Anti-Social Behaviour Order