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door very slightly the police stated they needed to serve
                 some documents on him, due to The Appellant's learning
                 difficulties he stated he would not accept anything and
                 closed his door and stated he was not being rude in doing so.
                 It is a well-known fact on the police's system of government
                 bodies that The Appellant does have learning difficulties and
                 health problems. The Appellant could hear the police talking
                 outside and the lady police officer said what we are going to
                 do now. A male police officer stated put it on the floor in
                 front of the door. They then took some pages out of the A4
                 size folder and put them in to The Appellant's letterbox this
                 was four pages. The A4 size folder the lady police officer
                 placed it on the floor in front of The Appellant's front door.
                 The Appellant's mother could not attend The Appellant's
                 address that day to pick the file up due to a death in the
                 family, she attended The Appellant's home address the next
                 day, the folder was opened on the floor where the police had
                 left it. The Appellant's mother was very shocked when she
                 looked inside the folder and saw the data that was within it.
                 The data that was within side the A4 size folder was
                 personal information and a breach of the data protection act
                 1998 by leaving such data in a commune area of the block of
                 flats. A letter of complaint was put to the police in the way
                 in which they had left personal information on a door step in
                 view of everyone that lived or who came in to the block of
                 flats, on the
                 13 September 2014
                 to Edmonton Green police station, at the same time the
                 complaint letter was handed in so was the A4 bundle.
                 The complaint has never been addressed and has never had a
                 response from the police who left personal information on a
                 front door step which is a breach of data protection act due
                 to the contents held within the A4 size bundle. Please see
                 letter of complaint and photos and receipt that was handed to
                 Edmonton police station on
                 13th September 2014
                 06th October 2014
                 The Appellant was due to appear in Court this day, The
                 Appellant had solicitors in place, Michael Carroll and Co
                 Solicitors, legal aid had been applied for, but the legal aid
                 had been refused, the Judge sitting overturned this and
                 granted legal aid. The reason for the Judge overturning and
                 granting legal aid was due to The Appellant having known
                 learning difficulties, health problems and due to the
                 complexity of the case. Disclosure was asked for, but no
                 disclosure ever came. The case was relisted for the
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