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willing to accept having the conditions changed and
                 accepting the Antisocial Behaviour Order as this would have
                 said he was guilty; The Appellant was not willing to accept
                 something he knew he was not guilty of the Appellant was
                 so distressed all the way home, he felt he would never get
                 justice. Later that day The Appellant’s mother contacted the
                 solicitors to see if anything could be done, but due to the
                 Judge not allowing the adjournment the solicitors stated they
                 could not take the case on and could not attend Court the
                 next day because they would be putting their company
                 reputation at risk by not having enough time in order to
                 prepare for the Appeal to be able to act in a professional and
                 correct way for their client. Which the Appellant’s mother
                 could totally, understand?  A vulnerable person should not
                 be forced into a position where they have to act on their own
                 behalf, in the opinion of many practitioners, detrimental to
                 the administration of justice. But this is exactly what had
                 happened, The Appellant and the Appellant mothers and
                 others cannot understand or see any reason why the Judge
                 did not allow for a short adjournment so that The Appellant
                 had proper representation in place, when there was a
                 solicitors company willing to take on the Appeal hearing on
                 and allow a fair Appeal hearing. The Appellant’s mother had
                 not stopped since the removal of the old solicitors in
                 September 2016
                 trying to find a solicitors company to take the Appeal
                 hearing on, so many calls was made to solicitors companies,
                 advice lines, citizens advice, pro bono solicitors, the reason
                 why the pro bono unit would not take the case on was
                 because The Appellant was entitled to legal aid, if The
                 Appellant or his family could have afforded to pay privately
                 for a solicitors company to act for The Appellant this would
                 have been done a long time ago. Justice is meant to be fair,
                 but in the case of The Appellant this was not the case. On
                 18 January 2017
                 The Appellant was so unwell he did not attend Court on this
                 day, nor did Mr a Cordell, or Miss L Cordell, Miss L Cordell
                 did however write a letter to the Judge asked in for a stay on
                 proceedings for the Appeal until it was taken to judicial
                 review in regards to what had gone on. The Judge decided to
                 go ahead in the absence of The Appellant with the Appeal;
                 he heard the witness statements from police on this date. On
                 19 January 2017
                 again, The Appellant and his family did not attend Court this
                 case has made The Appellant so unwell, at the end of this
                 day the Judge dismissed the Appeal against conviction, but
                 he changed a few of the conditions that The Appellant was
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