Page 252 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
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Appeal on due to the cost they would get under legal aid that
he was a set amount as legal aid believed that the solicitors
dealing with the Appeal would be the same solicitors that
dealt with the original trial, Appeals are set at a standard rate
so any solicitor taking on a case would not get paid to go
over the complete bundles, and take updated instructions
from the client.
When the Appellant mother got home from Court at 15:48
she received a phone call from Miss Ward, she stated that
she knew nothing about the Judge had asked her to attend
Court that Michael Carroll and Co had not informed her in
regards to any emails sent from the Court. The Appellant
mother said to her but I’ve tried to call you and text you and
you have not replied or picked the phone up. She stated
Michael Carroll had told her she was not allowed to contact
us or talk to us. The Appellant mother and Miss Ward
arranged to meet on
to go over The Appellant’s bundle to check for missing
documents. On the
The Appellant mother meet with Miss Ward to go over The
Appellant’s bundle, upon looking at the bundle and the
documents that The Appellant mother had added and
indexed Miss Ward stated she believed there were no
missing files, as time has gone on I have found other
documents that should have been in The Appellant’s bundle
that were missing. These have never been added as The
Appellant mother did not want to have to go back to the
Judge and say there were more documents that were
missing. Miss Ward stated she had to attend Court but gave
a different date that the Judge had ordered her to be there,
The Appellant mother stated to her that the Judge had given
the date of the
when we were in Court, Miss Ward stated that is not what
was put into the email that was sent to the company Miss
Ward worked for. The Appellant mother stated she would
send an email over to the Court to tell the Court that we had
meet up and checked The Appellant’s bundle we believed
there was no documents missing at that point. On the
The Appellant mother wrote an email to the Judge to state
that there had been a meeting with Miss Ward and we had
gone over The Appellant’s bundle and believed there were
no documents missing now. The Appellant mother asked in
the email to the Judge if we still needed to attend Court on
and if so, could this be confirmed via email. On the