Page 253 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
P. 253

                 The Appellant mother received a reply from Wood Green
                 Crown Court from the Judge stating that we did not need to
                 attend on the
                 and the date would be vacated.  On the
                 The Appellant mother sent an email to the Judge in regards
                 to still not finding a solicitor that was willing to take the
                 Appeal on, The Appellant mother asked the Judge to help in
                 regards to getting a solicitor to act for The Appellant
                 regarding the Appeal as time was becoming short for the
                 Appeal hearing. On the
                 The Appellant mother received a reply to her email to the
                 Judge stating that the Judge could not help with a solicitor.
                 The Appellant mother still did not give up and she carried on
                 trying to find one that was willing to take the Appeal on for
                 The Appellant. But the Appellant mother was upset as the
                 Judge did state he would help, on the
                 and as time was short for when the Appeal hearing was due
                 to start the, The Appellant mother did not wait till the last
                 minute to ask the Judge for help, and now she was being told
                 the Judge could not help. On the
                 late in the day The Appellant mother was given a number
                 form a solicitors of a solicitor’s called MK-Law that maybe
                 could help and take the Appeal on, The Appellant mother
                 called them they were the first solicitor’s in all of the
                 solicitor’s she had been contacting since
                 September 2016
                 that when she said the case was at Appeal stage wanted to
                 hear what the case was about, she broke down in tears the
                 company agreed to take the case on as long as the Judge
                 agreed to an adjournment, she stated to them she did not
                 think the Judge will agree to this as in
                 September 2016
                 when the Judge had adjourned the Appeal, the Judge had
                 stated he would not adjourn it again. The solicitor stated that
                 they would not have enough time to be able to get all of the
                 bundles go over them to get a barrister to go over them have
                 a meeting with The Appellant and take instructions within
                 two days due to the weekend, that they would send a
                 barrister to Court on the
                 too asked for an adjournment so that they could act in the
                 best interest of the client, as that is what they are there to do
                 and so the legal aid could be addressed and passed over to
                 them or a new application would need to be applied for. The
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