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P. 156
Subject: Fwd.: REF: 00-COSX14MT04-ID<23> Open Attach Documents
From: Rewired (
Date: Monday, 8 April 2013, 14:21
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Gaheris Edwards
Sent: Monday, 8 April 2013, 14:55
Subject: REF: 00-COSX14MT04-ID<23> Open Attach Documents
As requested,
Kind Regards,
Gaheris Edwards
Like a hurricane, they kept on tucking into me; while forcibly Ripping, me apart: -
By the next date in reference being a quarter of the way through
I say that things had become a constant vision to me of the metropolitan police always bullying me,
they would never, stop intimidating me, it had become so bad that it had become a “reality” the police
just would not stop harassing me, victimising me, labelling me, right up until the last final moments
that I have to live to take my last final breaths of air and then end up straight after, as getting claimed
as a dead body. On the
members of the metropolitan police force yet again pulled me over to stop me in my car, the reason
given to me for being stopped by them while in my car, got explained to be; -
This error occurred; because my vehicle insurance was still not showing up on the metropolitan police
computer systems. When checked it stated that I never got insured and that in some circumstances,
different on duty police officers, were having problems with being updated correctly, betraying to
them, that I might not have insurance to drive. I had insurance at these different times; as any reader
of this report would also understand to be true, as well by now; it was simple for the police on this
occasion to handle this incident; In a fair manner of law, to accept there was an error on the police and
or the MID database and this was at no fault of my own but as in most cases with the police this did
not happen. This inelegance on the police national computers got put into place due to me prior
being, incorrectly, stopped, so many times beforehand, by random representing police officers of the
law. In the start of the case the police used a summons against me, so to take me to court also, which I
never receive, adding, even more complications to my daily surprises; I was later to find out that the
judge who heard my case at the court, found me guilty in my absence and after his or her hand, he or
she added more driving points to my driving licence and another fine. A fine got issued in this case
by the judge, I and others worked hard, for us to get the case reopened in co Hurst towards the rest of
the court cases, that I got imposed too. In the final stages of the court case I ended up showing the
court my insurance, so I won the case.
The Points did finally get removed of my driving licence and the fine ended up being revoked;
Proof of Insurance policy: Link
Si Note:
Time Spent Building.
My Company: --