Page 247 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
P. 247
knowing The Appellant could not cope or handle this case
on his own, which was due to start on the
for 3 day hearing the Judge said he would not allow this and
that the Appeal hearing would go ahead no matter what. It
seems again that The Appellant was being blamed for what
was ongoing in this case, when The Appellant and The
Appellant mother had done all they could to have this case
ready to be heard. How can a Judge expect someone that is
known to be ill and have learning difficulties to be able to
handle this case on their own, considering there is only four
days until the Appeal 3-day hearing is due to start? Nothing
was put in place by the Judge to help The Appellant in any
way. The Appellant was just meant to get on with it on his
Once again, the solicitors had done nothing for this case and
the Judge had allowed them to walk away and it seems as if
everything was being blamed on The Appellant. Once again,
the solicitors had put this application in days before the
Appeal 3-day hearing was due to start. It was also noted
while we had been waiting outside the Court that the bundles
we had been working from was the very first set of the
application bundles and the only thing that had been updated
was a few statements from the police officer in charge of the
case, there were lots of documents missing within the bundle
The Appellant had never seen. It was stated by the
respondent they had sent new bundles to the acting solicitors
Michael Carroll and co three times the last being in January
2016, we had never been given a set of new bundles since
this case had started in 2014, at hearing the Respondent
stated in all there had been three sets of new bundles sent to
The Appellant’s acting solicitors, we had never been told
about new bundles been sent and never given a new copy of
any bundle. So, the bundle we had would have had all wrong
page numbers and been paginated totally different from the
bundles that was being used by the prosecution barrister and
Courts. It was at this stage The Appellant’s mother knew
why no page numbers matched at the lower court and why
she looking for the correct pages and found it very hard as
The Appellant’s mother was trying to take notes within the
application bundle at the lower court and was missing so
much due to not having the correct page numbers or bundle.
When we were in Court we did say this to the Judge about
the bundles, the Judge ordered the clerk of the Court to
contact Michael Carroll and Co solicitors and order the
solicitors to bring the bundles to Court the solicitors
informed the clerk that the bundles were at Nexus
Chambers, the Judge was shocked that the solicitors did not
have a copy of the bundles at their office.