Page 250 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
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going on in this case and that he was not coping. Information
was passed to the Judge that showed The Appellant was
unwell. It was also stated in regards to all the missing
documents that was missing from The Appellant’s bundle,
and that there was no statements within the bundle, I stated
to the Judge that I’d spent a lot of the weekend trying to
update The Appellant’s bundle and make sure that it was
indexed correctly, I handed the documents that The
Appellant mother was able to do with new indexing, The
Appellant mother also stated that she knew there was still
documents missing from The Appellant’s bundle which she
was not sure about or had time in which to add them. The
Appellant mother also stated that there were around 13
statements that we had never seen that were within the
Respondent bundle that was dated prior to the Magistrate’s
trial. The Judge was very unhappy and passed me his own
bundle for The Appellant mother to check to see if the
Courts bundles had been updated, upon looking the Judge’s
bundle had also not been updated since
The Appellant mother passed the Judge’s bundle back up to
him explaining that it also had not been updated.
At this the Respondent stated they would make new copies
of the bundles and have they sent to us the Judge thanked the
Respondent. The Judge was very unhappy and said he was
not going to allow this to be dropped and again made the
clerk of the Court call Michael Carroll and co to order them
to attend Court on the
in regards to the missing documents.
I stated I would try and add as many missing documents as I
could but was unsure of what documents were missing as so
much had been handed to the court and solicitors. The
Appellant mother asked the Judge if The Appellant would
need to attend Court on the
as it was due to only being regarding the missing documents
The Appellant mother felt The Appellant did not need to be
there the Judge agreed to this. On the
14 October 2016
Mr A Cordell and I attended Court on this date, the solicitors
did not turn up, The Appellant mother had a list of
documents that she had made up and indexed that needed to
be added to The Appellant’s bundle which she passed to the
She stated to the Judge that she could not be sure if there
were still documents missing. She also stated that she had
tried to call Miss Ward and had no reply. The Judge was
very upset that the solicitors had not turned up. A letter had
been sent by the solicitors Michael Carroll and co; the Judge