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The Appellant’s uncle who was also at Court said to the
Judge he was willing to go to Nexus Chambers and pick the
bundles up. The Judge listed this for the
after 14:00 hours to make sure we were all working from
them same set of bundles. Upon the Appellant’s uncle
getting home it was seen that the bundle he had was not the
full set of bundles and only had part of the applications
Skeleton Bundle. On the
22 September 2016
we attended Court to inform the Judge we still did not have
the updated bundles and the Judge once again got the clerk
of the Court to call Michael Carroll and co solicitors to find
out what was going on with the bundles, the Judge was very
upset that we still did not have the bundles for the case, the
Judge asked for the bundles to be brought to Court before 4
PM, The Appellant’s mother stated that it would be easier
and faster for her to pick the bundles up from the solicitors
on the way home from Court, the Judge asked if she was
sure that he could get them brought to Court she stated that it
be faster for her to pick the bundles up from the solicitors on
my way home. When we left Court The Appellant mother
noticed she had a text from Michael Carroll at 15: 21 stating
the bundles was now at the office for collection, due to the
time we left Court The Appellant mother called Michael
Carroll’s office to say what time we would be there, The
Appellant mother was told that the office would be closed by
the time we got there so The Appellant mother agreed to
pick the bundles up first thing in the morning on
23 September 2016
The Appellant mother left home early in the morning to go
to Michael Carroll’s office and collect the bundles with her
brother, Mr A Cordell went up to the office to get the
bundles, when he came down he had a piece of paper that
The Appellant mother needed to sign that the bundles had
collected from the office. Upon getting home and looking at
the bundles The Appellant mother noticed there was at least
13 statements that The Appellant and The Appellant mother
had never seen before from the Respondent bundle, the
statements was all dated prior to the Magistrates Court trial.
Upon looking at The Appellant’s bundle it seemed this had
not been updated or indexed since 2015, so all the new
documents that had been submitted to be added to The
Appellant’s bundle was not in there. There was also no
statements in The Appellant’s bundle, it seemed as though
they had all been removed from the bundle, over the days
leading up to this The Appellant mother had learned how