Page 138 - 5. 2015 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 138

Q             Yes.
                 A             and adhere to, yes.
                 Q             Comprehensive, isn’t it?
                 A             Yes, I — as -- best I can say, yes.
                 C             All the relevant details that you could remember at the
                               time of the writing of the notes?
                 Q             Yes.
                 A             Now my questions really are geared towards a single issue
                               here. It’s whether this man was working that day in his
                               van. Whether Mr Cordell was working. He wasn’t stopped
                               in the initial -- what happens in these operations, isn’t it, is
                               that vehicles drive along and there’s police at usually two
                               different spots in the road and cars are stopped if you want
                               to check their documents, cars and vehicles?
                               Is that right?
                               Obviously different operations will be organised
                               differently but, yes, in general that —that sounds about
                 Q             And on this occasion Mr Cordell -- he wasn’t actually
                               stopped, he pulled up of his own accord close to where this
                               operation was taking place? A Yes.
                 Q             And then you went and approached him? Is that right?
                 Q             Yes, that’s correct. F
                 A             And you formed the impression, you have told us in as
                               many words, that he was working that day?
                 Q             Yes.
                 A             Working as a — as some sort of tradesman that day?
                               Yes. G
                 Q             Just to cover quick points, you didn’t see him working?
                 Q             No.
                 Q             You did not speak to anyone he was working for?
                 A             No.
                 Q             You did not seize or view any paperwork pertaining to him
                               working that day?
                 A             No.
                 Q             When he was cautioned, he said “Nah, you don’t know
                               nothing. I was trying to get a job here. You don’t
                               understand, man”?
                               That’s what you’ve noted?
                 A             Yes.
                 Q             Isn’t it the case that before he made that comment
                               following arrest that he was explaining to you that he
                               wasn’t working and that he was actually going to see
                               someone about getting future work?
                 A             The only comment I’ve made in my notes is — is that
                               initial one which stated -- where he stated “I’ll give you
                               my insurance but I’m just going in there to do some work”.
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